
From Outlaw Troopers Wiki
Revision as of 18:12, 17 February 2023 by Root (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Artifacts can be won by playing robotic encounters. As you move up to more difficult encounters you can win more artifacts. Half of the artifact upgrades let you make your Qwitt stronger. This will allow you to perform better as you play more and more robotic encounters. The other half improve your income while playing normal encounters! - obtained from: Robotic Encounters, A.R.C Initiator Quests rewards, Black Market, weekly? - can increase the reward of artifact...")
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Artifacts can be won by playing robotic encounters. As you move up to more difficult encounters you can win more artifacts. Half of the artifact upgrades let you make your Qwitt stronger. This will allow you to perform better as you play more and more robotic encounters. The other half improve your income while playing normal encounters!

- obtained from: Robotic Encounters, A.R.C Initiator Quests rewards, Black Market, weekly? - can increase the reward of artifacts from Robotic Encounters by upgrading using Artifacts

usage of artifacts: - show the table - maybe list the effect & cost of upgrade? X.X