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Companion System

The Companion System was was added into the game in Season 4. All existing mission are now locked by default, and requires a certain companion to unlock them.

There are a total of 8 Companions, each companion provides three different perks.

List of Companions

Smuggling Joe







Captain Pawsome

Upgrade Cost Type

All companion requires Artifacts to level up.

Upgrade Cost Amount

Level 1 cost: 100 Artifacts

Level 2 cost: 200 Artifacts

Level 3 cost: 400 Artifacts

Level 4 cost: 800 Artifacts

Level 5 cost: 1600 Artifacts

Level 6 cost: 3200 Artifacts

Level 7 cost: 6400 Artifacts

Level 8 cost: MAXED

Companion's Mission Reward Bonus

Level 1 mission bonus: 100%

Level 2 mission bonus: 200%

Level 3 mission bonus: 300%

Level 4 mission bonus: 500%

Level 5 mission bonus: 800%

Level 6 mission bonus: 1100%

Level 7 mission bonus: 1500%

Level 8 mission bonus: 2000%