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Leaderboards give out different prizes every Season/week.

Those prizes may include FGL Avatar, Troopers, Limited Blends, eFGL Token, CC Packs and etc.

Please check out the Leaderboard tab to find out the latest prizes. Leaderboard can be accessed by clicking on the "Leaderboard" under "Community/Misc".

Replica Empires are eligible to participate and compete in various Leaderboards.

Seasonal Leaderboard

Seasonal Leaderboard are ranked by player's Reputation level. The level is capped at 80.

Players must achieve both a maximum empire level of 80 and clear Abyss depth 60 to secure seasonal leaderboard prizes.

The tiebreaker is based on Abyss depth, with the second tiebreaker being the faster clear time for the Abyss depth.

Amount of prizes will vary every month and will scale based on two criteria:

1. Total number of active players
2. Total amount of eFGL Token spent in-game.

There are a total of 12 tier of prizes, whenever the total amount of player's spending reaches a new threshold, a new tier of prizes will be unlocked.

Players must have a minimum Reputation level of 10 to be eligible for prizes.

Players are not allowed to win multiple Leaderboard prizes by using multiple accounts. Anyone found doing it will have their prizes voided.

All NFT prizes are newly minted which adds to the circulating supply.

Weekly Leaderboard

Week One: Most Arena Battle won in a week Week Two: Most Encounter Tier Cleared in a week Week Three: Most Shard purified in a week Week Four: Most Robotic Key Spent on hunting in a week Week Five: Most eFGL token spent in a week Week Six: Most Arena Battle won in a week